Three months predictions - LEO

Leo:(23 July - 22 August)

Personal:- You need to look within you for answers, decide your priorities and free yourself from the cycle of action and reaction. A time for spiritual growth and understanding which could also mean people who are spiritually inclined will come to help/rescue and guide in the time of need. People related to leos would do well in the advertising industry.

Professional:-Work will be suitably rewarded but you need to keep doing as you were without expecting immediate results. You can start something else also alongside the work that you are already into. (a deep, hidden desire or something which brings peace and emotional happiness).

Love:- A time of great understanding and growth, being in nature and connecting with people on a natural level without any sham or superficiality. You might connect with someone who loves nature, is a person who is more logical and practical and there is an instant connection but the love that grows will be slow and will require a great deal of understanding.

2008 will be a fulfilling year with its share of ups and downs and ups again. This year, you will need to concentrate on healing yourself which will bring you a well of energies at your disposal to evolve and go places.

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Source: DwarkaParichay News & Information Services
